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Skills for School by Darlinghurst Academy


If you have a little one starting Reception in September, you may be filled with the usual worries of ensuring that your child is ready. If they have already been attending a nursery setting, they may already be used to the routine and the nursery teachers will have been working with them to ensure they are ready to start school. 

There are some things that you can also do, as parents to ensure your child has 'Skills for School'. Here are some great tips from Miss Wise, EYFS lead at Darlinghurst Academy -

  • Encourage your child to wash their hands after using the toilet and before and after they eat 
  • Practise using a knife and fork during meal times together and trying new foods
  • Encouraging them to get dressed, as well as putting on their coat and shoes. These are important for P.E lessons at school 
  • Using the toilet independently 
  • Making friends and promoting their social skills such as sharing and taking turns. You can do this by playing games at home together or promoting turn taking with other children. 
  • Talking about feelings - Use books, videos and props to enable children to express their feelings 
  • Having a good nights sleep and bedtime routine - This is crucial to enable children to focus during their school day

Darlinghurst Academy use a programme called Embers the Dragon to promote emotional wellbeing and to help getting children ready for school. You can make a log-in or speak to your child's school to find out if they use Embers the Dragon or an alternative!

Remember that all children develop at different rates so don't worry if they are not quite ready in all of those areas yet and try not to compare your child to others! Children soak up information very quickly and what they may not be able to do now, they may be fine with in September. You can always speak to your child's teacher if you have any concerns. 

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