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Sensory Easter Egg Hunt
Dunstable Downs
Sat 5th April 2025 - Mon 21st April 2025
10am - 5pm
A sensory alternative to our main trail! The year is 1232, and King Henry III has called for all knights and nobles to gather for an Easter tournament at Dunstable Downs. Are you up for the challenge?
Make your way along the trail and find activities for different access needs. The trail takes place between 5-21 April, from 10am to 5pm, with last entry at 4pm so come along and explore the beautiful and historical countryside of Dunstable Downs.
As lowly squires and esquiresses, this could be the competition that sees you earn your Knightly status. Pick up a trail sheet, make your way along the trail stations, and use your five senses to become hero of the gentry. We also offer spotter sheets and sensory bags to take on the adventure with you!
Unlike medieval victors, your efforts will be rewarded with a thoroughly modern prize! Swap land and wealth for a chocolate egg or a vegan and Free From* chocolate egg. Both eggs are made from Rainforest Alliance Cocoa. *Suitable for people with milk, egg, gluten, peanut and tree nut allergies.
Admission fee: Prices are £3.50 per trail which includes an Easter trail sheet, bunny ears and chocolate egg. No booking required.
Our Easter trail kicks off a year-long celebration of Dunstable's medieval past. Come back during May Half-Term for your first adventure as a Knight.