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The Science of Space
Beecroft Art Gallery
Sun 4th May 2025 - Sun 25th May 2025
11:30 - 13:00
Journey with us from the Beecroft Art Gallery into the darkest corners of the cosmos, in our free, four part lecture series 'The Science of Space'. Every Sunday in May, a perfect introduction to all things astrophysical!
These talks are accessible for ages 10+. Older children and adults will enjoy the talks, children younger than 10 are very welcome, but some may struggle with understanding the content.
Tickets are free, but prebooking is recommended. Please note that tickets are per person attending the talk. Every attendee will need a ticket.
04/05 - The Science of Space 1: Our Place in the Cosmos
How did the universe begin? How will it end? This talk is an introduction to the grand themes of cosmology, taking a whistle stop tour of the cosmos. Topics range from exploring where matter came from and the variety of structures, like stars, galaxies, black holes, that it forms, to the mysterious force of dark energy, that drives the expansion of the universe.
11/05 - The Science of Space 2: Schrodinger's Cat in the Particle Zoo
What is dark matter? Is the multiverse real? What's the deal with Schrodinger's cat?? A dive into the bizarre world of quantum mechanics, for beginners.
18/05 - The Science of Space 3: Time Travel 101
Is time travel possible? Do we all experience time the same way? What is the twin paradox? This talk is a beginners introduction to topic of time travel, discussing Einstein's theory of special relativity, the constancy of the speed of light, the unfixed nature of time and much more.
25/05 - The Science of Space 4: Black Holes and Beyond
What would it feel like to fall into a black hole? What are gravitational waves? Will we ever unlock the mystery of the singularity? This talk introduces these monsters of the cosmos; discussing their formation, detection, and the 'stranger than fiction' phenomena of time-dilation and spaghettification.