Mighty Meeples
Mighty Meeples is a registered community interest company (CIC), which specialises in providing the community with a safe, entertaining, social environment to take part in gaming activities.
Our aim is to encourage those feeling vulnerable, isolated or disadvantaged to improve their personal and social development whilst participating in the educating aspects of which boardgames can offer.
Studies have shown that playing board games can help develop problem-solving skills, strategy building, and critical thinking capabilities. Furthermore, board games, whilst providing fun and being engaging for all ages, can be used to teach a wide range of subjects, from math, science, history and language arts which can lead to better academic performances.
Mighty Meeples is a 'not for profit' company which means that it does not operate for private profit. Any profit generated is used to grow and develop the business, which is benefiting an identified community, or goes directly to benefit that community.
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