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Sports days


Booking in advance
Extended hours
Childcare vouchers

Fun, action packed multi activity day camp for children aged 4.5 to 14 years. Running at The Coopers\' Co & Coborn School, Upminster and The Frances Bardsley Academy, Romford. Activities include fencing, archery, motor sports, dance, arts & crafts, aquaslide, football and much more. This holiday camps runs at Eater and Summer in Upminster and Romford area.

Barracudas Activity Day Camps... Read more

Please contact the provider for details of when this holiday club/class will next be running or to find out if it may be running at an alternative venue nearby.


The Frances Bardsley Academy, Brentwood Road, Romford, RM1 2RR
Booking in advance

Carrie\'s All-In-One Campervan Club 4-10yr
Introducing a brand new camp called "Carrie\'s All-In-One Campervan Club" with a Halloween theme.

Wednesday, October 25th from 8:00am to 5:00pm

Led by a qualified nursery teacher, our experienced tennis coaches, and CRB checked staff, this camp promises a day full of exciting activities. From welcome games to a Halloween-themed... Read more

Please contact the provider for details of when this holiday club/class will next be running or to find out if it may be running at an alternative venue nearby.


Gidea Park Lawn Tennis Club, Gidea Close, Romford, RM2 5NP


Booking in advance
Drop in without booking

Glenn Poole Soccer Academy runs school holiday courses for 5-12 olds of all abilities in a fun and safe environment we also have a beginners session every Saturday morning for children 2-5 years old

Please contact the provider for details of when this holiday club/class will next be running or to find out if it may be running at an alternative venue nearby.


Whybridge Junior School, Blacksmith's Lane, Rainham, RM13 7AH

Hylands tennis club

Age: 4 - 17

Booking in advance

Hylands is a Not for profit local community tennis club operating from the grounds of Hornchurch High School.
We offer Group Tennis Classes and Private Lessons for all playing levels
With our Learn & Play Programme run by our coaching provider of choice, Jack Woollcott Tennis Academy, Full-Size and Kid-Sized Courts, Sports Hall and Floodlights, Hylands is there every step of the way,... Read more

Please contact the provider for details of when this holiday club/class will next be running or to find out if it may be running at an alternative venue nearby.


C/o Hornchurch High School, Broadstone Road, Hornchurch, RM12 4AJ

JAM Activity Camps

Age: 5 - 11

Booking in advance

In 2023, JAM Activity Camps emerged with a vision fueled by friendship and a shared commitment to providing accessible childcare. Jenene, Antonia and Michael, friends and colleagues for over two decades, were inspired by the need for affordable childcare in their local areas, particularly for their own children.

Pooling together their extensive qualifications, skills, and experiences,... Read more

Running: Easter 2025, May Half Term 2025, Summer 2025, Oct Half Term 2025, Feb Half Term 2026


Mayfield Leisure Centre, Kinfauns Road, Goodmayes, IG3 9QN


Age: 4 - 11

Free trial
Booking in advance
Childcare vouchers

... Read more

Please contact the provider for details of when this holiday club/class will next be running or to find out if it may be running at an alternative venue nearby.


Parsloes Primary School, Spurling Road, Dagenham, RM9 5RH
Barrow Hill Junior School, Bridgeman Street, London, NW8 7AL


Age: 6 - 13

Booking in advance

Two days of fun and games with England RFU accredited Rugby coaches teaching children the basics of Rugby through fun games and drills. We have our famous obstacle course where Children name their teams and then run the gauntlet which teaches them all aspects of the rugby game but in a fun environment. This Camp in Non-Contact and we also add fun water splash games in hot weather with slip & slide

Please contact the provider for details of when this holiday club/class will next be running or to find out if it may be running at an alternative venue nearby.


The Campion School, Wingletye Lane, Hornchurch, RM11 3BX
Booking in advance

We are a leading sports provider in the UK and want to get as many children involved in physical activities during half terms!

Please contact the provider for details of when this holiday club/class will next be running or to find out if it may be running at an alternative venue nearby.


Based in Hornchurch


Age: 5 - 16

Booking in advance

We are very excited to say that this August, UMAKS will be running a summer camp for children aged 5 to 16!
Everyone is welcome, including friends, siblings and other relatives.
Children will be divided into appropriate groups.

The sessions are:
9am to 12pm (Morning)
1pm to 4pm (Afternoon)
9am to 4pm (All Day)
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.... Read more

Please contact the provider for details of when this holiday club/class will next be running or to find out if it may be running at an alternative venue nearby.


Benhurst Primary School, Hornchurch, RM12 4QS
Mossford Green Primary School, Ilford, IG6 2EW

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The content provided here is for general information only and Mum's Guide To Ltd does not endorse any of the listed information. It is your responsibility to check necessary registrations, qualifications, references and DBS where relevant. We cannot accept liability for any inaccurate information given to us by external organisations or individuals, or the verification of the listings or advertisements on the website.