Southdown Performing Arts Centre
Age: 7 - 11
Easter Drama Club for children aged 7-11
Running from Monday 7th April to Friday 11th April at St John's Hall, St John's Church, Harpenden
This is a fun filled week of physical theatre and theatre skills led by our experienced Drama Teacher, Becky Coote. It will also include devising and working with scripts, poetry and arts & crafts.
At the end of the week there will be a performance of the pieces developed during the week for parent and friends.
Becky has been teaching performing arts since 2015 having trained at the Royal Central School of Speech & Drama. She is a performer and playwright in her own right and has worked with inclusive theatre companies such as Access All Areas, Hopshed & Razed Roof.
She specialises in working with students with SEN.
Becky's classes incorporate top quality training but with a strong emphasis on fun and inclusion.
The fee for the week is £100 but thanks to generous sponsorship we are able to offer assisted place to some children. Contact us for information.
Running: Easter 2025
Contact details:
St John's Church Hall, St John's Road, Harpenden, AL5 1DJThe content provided here is for general information only and Mum's Guide To Ltd does not endorse any of the listed information. It is your responsibility to check necessary registrations, qualifications, references and DBS where relevant. We cannot accept liability for any inaccurate information given to us by external organisations or individuals, or the verification of the listings or advertisements on the website.