Hello, I'm a parent and teacher and up until recently our son, who is dyslexic, has really struggled at school because he has had to read everything. He's found school really hard at times but he absolutely loves listening to things. He loves listening to podcasts and audiobooks. He seems to read with his ears! With this in mind, to help him and to help children like him, we've started creating audio lessons for children who hate reading! We have a huge bank of audio lessons for primary school children, children in KS3 and KS4 (GCSE). Everything our son learns at school we have an audio lesson for him and although biased, it has honestly changed his life. He's now learning the curriculum in a way his brain wants to learn it. In his end of year exams he got 84% in his Biology exam for example. If you have a child or teach a child who is bright but doesn't really like to read, please please have a look here: https://katiesclassroom.mykajabi.com and click on primary/KS3 or GCSE. Our memberships are just £5 per month. Thank you and if you have any questions please ask. Katie x
Contact details:
Braeside, Wormald Green, Harrogate, HG3 3QP​
Little Wrens Forest School gives children and young people the opportunity to enjoy and connect with nature. To dig, discover, bug-hunt, cook, climb, play with sticks, use tools, make mud pies, play with peers and develop their own interests.
Forest School is a long-term process where children have time to immerse themselves in an environment that becomes familiar to... Read more
Contact details:
Fat Hen Farm, Sand Road, Great Gransden, SG19 3BHShuttleworth, Old Warden, SG18 9EP
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