Messy play is always my go to for a fun activity that keeps little hands entertained with laughter.
Here's a tried and tested playdough recipe that takes 10 mins.
What you need:
2 cups all-purpose flour
A large bowl
1 cup salt
4 teaspoons cream of tartar
2 cups boiling water
2 Tablespoons of melted coconut oil ( vegetable oil works too)
Food colouring optional for pretty colours.
You can also add essential oils ( lavender/ eucalyptus), or sensory smells like lavender or coffee grounds)
Air tight container e.g. sandwich bag or tupperware
What to do:
Mix the flour, salt, creme of tartar and coconut oil together in a large bowl.
Add the hot water and mix together ( grown up hands only until it cools).
Keep mixing all together until it binds and forms playdough texture ( 5-7 mins)
If you are adding food colouring, we then roll into a snake and make separate balls (4 or 5). Use a different bowl for each desired colour and add colour you want. Keep mixing the playdough until it becomes a solid colour.
Happy playing ??