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A message from North Herts Council...

Unblocktober is a campaign and awareness month that aims to improve the health of our drains, sewers, watercourses and seas.

The first campaign in 2019 saw over 4,500 Britons pledging to change their kitchen and bathroom habits at home and at work - this rose to more than 66,000 in 2022!

It’s important that we protect our waterways and stop any more damage and distress to occur than what we've seen already. Millions and millions of us have been putting dangerous liquids and items into our drainage systems and sewers leading to harmful damage to the environment around us. From floods, droughts and heat waves becoming more common in the UK, due to the emergence of a giant wet wipe island that’s changing the course of the River Thames, the evidence shows that our environment is already changing for the worse.

Did you know that 48% of the British public have flushed wet wipes?

When sewers get blocked, it can cause foul waste flooding, plastic pollution and excavation and repairs leading to more roadworks. Hidden plastics in items such as nappies and period care products can make their way into our rivers and seas if put in our drains – approximately 8 million pieces of plastic find their way every day!

We need to act decisively and quickly to try to change those bad habits and reverse the impact of our actions on our environment. The effects of this ecological damage are already being felt, and will need a big, joint up effort to slow them down or reverse them.

How to get involved
You, your family and friends can get involved by committing to stop pouring or flushing items down your drain or into the toilet for the whole month of October. We hope you can continue these habits after the month of October and do your little bit to help our seas and sewers.

Refrain from pouring or flushing the following items into your drain or toilet:

  • Cooking oil, lard, margarine, butter
  • Cooking sauces
  • Anything containing plastic, including: - Razor blades - Nappies - Period products - Sanitary towels, incontinence pads - Period products, tampons and pads (including applicators and wrappers) - Cotton buds - Contact lenses - Bandages and plasters - Condoms - Dental floss
  • Food – even crumbs!
  • Wet wipes
  • Facemasks
  • Disposable gloves

Make a small change now to have a big impact on our future, whether you're an individual, business or community group, your contribution matters! To sign up to Unblocktober and receive a resource pack – head to https://www.unblocktober.org/

Spread the word on social media using #Unblocktober2024 - also explore Unblocktober's social channels to participate in the social media challenges and competitions.

Sustainable regards,

North Herts Council


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