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Mum's Guide To Hertford Blog


What have we been up to recently? Have we a new family recipe we've loved we want to share? Do we want to highlight a particular area of Hertford? From National Make a friend day to pizza dough recipes you can find it here. We are specialist days out bloggers and when it comes to days out with the kids locally we aim to give you the lowdown. So do head over to our tried and tested pages too. 

From Hertford's Number 1 mummy blogger (in google search results- last updated 24/9/21) and Tots100 chart featured parenting blogger and one of the leading mummy bloggers in Hertfordshire (Rank 3 in Google searches 24/9/21) and rank 4 in google searches for "Hertfordshire bloggers" (11/21). #kayleigh&theboys



You've had a baby not a lobotomy



Hello everyone I hope you've all recovered from half term, I am at least half a stone heavier from the amount of pancakes I consumed yesterday I think!

That's so much to all our followers for your amazing feed back of our half term guide ( I read all the messages you send and see every #mumsguidetohertford you tag and respond to as many of you as I can. A big welcome to our new followers too !).

Our webpage had record numbers of views for february half term and im so happy do many of you are finding it useful.

So my eldest is back to school though appears to have instantly come down with a cold and is proceeding to cough into my face regularly (despite me repeatedly shouting cover you mouth) so i have no doubt I will soon also be hit by the dreaded lurgy!! My youngest has resumed his monday morning baby classes (which I love because my husband also has mondays off and he comes along too). 

Yesterday afternoon was a particular highlight as I was invited along to TEDDY TALKS a brand new Hertford Business. Run by local mum Natalie. Now we are blessed with lots of baby classes in and around Hertford, of all different genres. From music classes to baby yoga to zumbini to massage and so much more (If you'd like inspiration for local classes click here.)

However sometimes mums can feel like they are now living a parallel universe, which consists solely of teething, weaning and Mr tumble. In fact one of my best friends was so absorbed in this world she developed a huge crush on Mr Tumble whilst on maternity leave and it was clear she needed to make a return to adult life immediately (this was about 6 years ago but we don't let her forget it!).


But the fact is you are still you. Still the same intelligent (minus a few mummy brain moments) adult that you were before having a baby. I have always said that I feel that parents are so much better at people management and multi tasking after they've had children than before . Because lets face it if you can negotiate with a toddler you are winning at life! 

This is where I feel Teddy Talks have manged to find them selves a niche. There concept is that although babies are welcome to come along to their events (and there are toys to occupy them) the talk content is based on grown up topics! Yesterdays talk was on "Better smartphone photography" I jumped at the chance to go along because as a mummy blogger I use my phone to capture our adventures and days out. This is because I always have at least one of my children with me and I simply cant manage to juggle them (particularly the buggy hating toddler) and a big camera. Its just not happening and so 99% of the time all the photos on my blog are from my smart phone.

Yesterdays session was at The Mill House (one of our highlighted listings) which was a perfect venue with free parking and the guest speaker was Sarah Stephens (from Sarah Stephens photography). She gave us tips on how to hold our cameras, helped us to explore the different functions such as using the grid and continuous burst mode and explained why you should never zoom if you want a high quality photo. She also introduced us to some free apps, including one that you can edit things out of (yes I did spend a great deal of time editing dark eye circles out of my photos - first world problems.), I found the whole session really interesting and it was pitched perfectly. She spoke to us as adults not as parents and that felt invigorating! So expect to see some improved photos on my blogs, that are less blurry ! I promise I wont editing my dark circles out of photos I use on my blog, I will wear them as a badge of honour.

TEDDY TALKS have some more sessions coming up including Stress management for new parents and dogs and children living in harmony which you will be able to find on our What's on Guide.

This week we are looking forward to getting back into a routine of sorts and getting naptimes (for the toddler not me- I wish!) back on track. Ill be making batches of soup to try and fend of the dreaded lurgy and starting to put plans in place ready for our Easter holiday to Butlins (you can read our previous tried and tested here).

We are also really excited to be going along tomorrow to see The Mill Houses new additional venue The Mill Stream! More details on that here: 

Thanks for reading 

Kayleigh & The Boys



Disclaimer we were invited to come along free of charge to The TEDDY TALKS session but the decision to include them in our blog as a common interest topic was my own and all words are my own.

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