Luton and Dunstable Hospital
As the first NHS Foundation Trust in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire - and the best hospital in the East of England (CGC 2009) - our top priority is to offer the best possible patient experience - putting the patient first every time.
As the first hospital in England to be selected by the Health Foundation for our work on improving patient safety - an area in which we continue to excel - the L&D continues to be an agent for change by involving patients and FT members in re-desigining and improving our services.
During 2009-10 we continued to reduce our MRSA and C.diff infections helping us to retain our reputation as one of the safest hospitals in the country.
The L&D's reputation attracts top clinicians and specialists, together with some of the most experienced and caring nursing staff.
Conveniently located at Junction 11 of the M1 motorway, we also have excellent air, rail and bus links.
Contact details:
01582 491166
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