Play Aloud Pirton
Age: 2 - 10
Play Aloud St Andrews offers a Holiday Club service for all children aged 2 years to 10 years old. We are open Monday to Thursday throughout the holidays. Breakfast Club starts at 8am- 9am. Morning session 9-12.30 and afternoon session 12.30-4, Tea is served at 4 and sessions finish at 5.
We provide a range of activities, with craft activities available daily and outdoor time accessed all session.
Holiday Club is managed by an experienced team of Early Years Practitioners and Play Leaders where all staff are paediatric trained.
We welcome visits
Please contact the provider for details of when this holiday club/class will next be running or to find out if it may be running at an alternative venue nearby.
Running: Easter 2025
Pirton Village Hall, Hitchin, SG5 3PSThe content provided here is for general information only and Mum's Guide To Ltd does not endorse any of the listed information. It is your responsibility to check necessary registrations, qualifications, references and DBS where relevant. We cannot accept liability for any inaccurate information given to us by external organisations or individuals, or the verification of the listings or advertisements on the website.