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Young people's advice & support

The content provided here is for general information only and Mum's Guide To Ltd does not endorse any of the listed information. It is your responsibility to check necessary registrations, qualifications, references and DBS where relevant. We cannot accept liability for any inaccurate information given to us by external organisations or individuals, or the verification of the listings or advertisements on the website.

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The Healthy Hub is a free health and well being support service here to support the residents of North Herts.

Whether you're looking for help accessing essential items such as food and/or medication, feeling lonely or isolated, struggling with your mental health or looking for some advice on staying healthy and well, we're here to support you.

Within in the community we... Read more


Westmill Community Centre, John Baker Place, Hitchin, SG5 2PG

Hitchin Partnership provides a family support service to schools in Hitchin and the surrounding villages. We work alongside families giving practical support and user friendly parenting strategies.

The team is experience in supporting families where children have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and provides advice on friendship and bullying issues.

This includes... Read more

Contact details:



Based in Hitchin

Hitchin Youth Allotment (HiYA) is a youth project where children grow fruit and vegetables, learn gardening skills and get involved in a really hands on way.

The children sow seeds, take cuttings, plant out, tend the plants, keep the plot in good shape, harvest, cook and eat the produce.

Extra activities include a sunflower growing competition and growing pumpkins for... Read more

Contact details:


Based in Hitchin

I am a Person Centred Counsellor and Psychotherapist providing counselling and therapy for adults, young people and children experiencing a wide range of difficulties, or seeking self-development.

I provide a safe and confidential space for individuals and couples to talk and explore their thoughts and feelings without judgement.
I offer a collaborative therapeutic relationship... Read more


Highways, Bedford Road, Hitchin, SG5 3RS

(Click address to view map)

Tilehouse Counselling exists to provide professional counselling
and therapeutic group work for adults and young people.


If you take on responsibilities at home because someone in your family has a disability, illness, is physically or mentally unwell or misuses substances then you may be a young carer. We know over 3,000 young carers across Hertfordshire and would welcome you to speak to us about what support we could offer.

We know how important family is, so we'll work with you and offer a whole family... Read more


Young Carers Team, Carers in Herts, 119 Fore Street, Hertford, SG14 1AX

This site is designed to give young people, schools & parents and carers information on the help available for children and young people who may be experiencing emotional or mental health difficulties.

It can feel overwhelming when you are trying to support your child through a difficult time so we wanted to collect all of the local and national resources and information in one place.... Read more


Based in unknown

Our school nursing service is part of the Hertfordshire Family Centre service. The service brings children's centres, health visiting and school nursing together to provide a more joined up service for children, young people and their families from pregnancy through to when a child reaches 19. There is a range of different support groups, activities and services on offer for children and their families... Read more


Based in Welwyn Garden City
Virtual/remote options available

A group of family centres in and around north herts. Including: hitchin, letchworth, baldock and Royston.

Contact details:

0300 123 7572


17 Lannock, Letchworth, SG6 2PX

Need help and don't know where to turn? Have a question or problem? We can help.

We're a network of community organisations in Hertfordshire working together.

We're here to listen and help you find independent support, guidance and information you need to get the most out of life.


unknown, unknown, UNKN OWN
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When contacting any of the businesses listed here please mention that you found them via Mum's guide to Hitchin.
If you find any links or email addresses that no longer work, or details which are incorrect please contact us and let us know.
The content provided here is for general information only and Mum's Guide To Ltd does not endorse any of the listed information. It is your responsibility to check necessary registrations, qualifications, references and DBS where relevant. We cannot accept liability for any inaccurate information given to us by external organisations or individuals, or the verification of the listings or advertisements on the website.